Heading the ball

Heading the ball

Want to work on your aerial game? Watch our video and learn how to head the ball home.

Heading the ball

What goes on in your head plays an important part in your chances of victory.

In a sport where you can score with your head, this has enormous significance. To learn about football or for regular training, our video shows you how to throw your chest forward and how to use your forehead properly to head the ball.

This programme was produced as part of a sponsorship with the NGO Sikana.
With the support of Decathlon, Sikana has developed a universal learning platform to guide sports users, schools, associations and NGO's looking to make the pleasure and benefits of sport available to all. You can access dozens of digital programmes and hundreds of videos freely on www.sikana.tv.

Video transcription:

For once, we're starting with a recommendation: in line with certain football federations, we advise you not to practise headers before you're 14 years old. You'll just need to be patient before you can start doing diving headers across the penalty area.

Heading the ball is a common occurrence in football. It lets you release the ball, make a pass or score a goal. We trust that you can tell the difference between the two penalty areas and know when to aim for the opposing top corner and when to swing ahead.

It's no surprise that, to head the ball, you use your head, preferably the forehead. In this video, we talk about attacking headers. The type that helps you score after a well-played cross or corner. The two technical points in this move are the thrusting movement of your chest and the part of your head you use to strike the ball.

Let's start with the thrusting movement of the chest, that gives power to your strike: start by bending your legs then thrust your chest forward while contracting your abs. At the end of your thrusting movement, reach your neck out.

Now that you've gained some momentum to send the ball into the net, hit the ball with the upper part of your forehead. This is the part of your head best suited to the shape of the ball and the boniest part, making it the least painful.

To improve precision, stay flexible while placing your feet. Take small steps to adjust your position to the ball coming towards you. At the moment you hit the ball, don't close your eyes, keep them open for better aim!


If you did close your eyes, here's a recap: remember to bend your legs, swing your chest forwards and hit the ball with the upper part of your forehead.

Merwen, Decathlon team editor

Merwen, decathlon team editor

Playground fanatic, passionate about basketball courts, swimming enthusiast, and general sports lover.

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